NIJ seeks proposals for rigorous research and evaluation projects to advance our understanding of intentional, interpersonal community-based violence, including firearm violence. Specifically, NIJ seeks to fund proposals for: 1) research projects to advance understanding of community violence, including firearm violence; and 2) evaluation of community violence intervention and prevention programs, policies, legislation, and practices to include those targeted at firearm violence.
The purpose of this announcement is to fund the National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence Prevention (Youth Violence Prevention Centers or YVPCs) to continue to build the evidence base for violence prevention strategies and approaches that reduce community rates of youth violence within one or more geographically defined communities with rates of community violence that are higher than the national one.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control is soliciting investigator-initiated research to understand and prevent firearm-related injuries, deaths, and crime. The intent of this announcement is to support research to help inform the development of innovative and promising opportunities to enhance safety and prevent firearm- related injuries, deaths, and crime, and to rigorously evaluate the effectiveness of innovative and promising strategies to keep individuals, families, schools, and communities safe from firearm-related injuries, deaths, and crime. Note: Anticipated Deadline – Feb 2023
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) is soliciting investigator-initiated research that will help expand and advance understanding of approaches to prevent community violence and eliminate racial and ethnic inequities in risk for community violence. This initiative is intended to support effectiveness research to evaluate innovative programs, practices, or policies among groups experiencing a high burden of community violence.
The purpose of this announcement is to fund rigorous evaluation research projects that will expand the evidence base of proven prevention approaches for those most at risk of experiencing community violence, including youth, racial and ethnic minority groups, and disadvantaged or underserved groups. Research will evaluate community-centered prevention approaches implemented or planned for implementation in communities to reduce community violence victimization or perpetration. Note: Anticipated deadline – March 2023