North Carolina


Score 0 City scored lowest compared to other rated cities.
Ranking #0 City is ranked #0 compared to other rated cities.

Fayetteville, North Carolina

Total Funding Committed to Community Violence Intervention $50,000
Grants 1
Office of Violence Prevention No

Intervention & Risk Factor Reduction


Outreach-Based Violence Intervention Programs

Hospital Violence Intervention Programs

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Integrated Mentorship Programs for At-Risk Individuals

Victim and Survivor Services

Below-Minimum Community Violence Intervention Funding Levels

Risk Factor Reduction

Re-Entry Programs and Services for At-Risk Returning Residents

Municipal Diversion Programs

Restorative Justice Programs

Emergency and Transitional Housing

Addressing the Root Causes of Violence

Housing and Food Insecurity

Housing and Food Assistance Programs for Impacted Communities


Strategic Workforce Development Programs

Municipal Ban-the-Box Ordinances


Safe Passage Programs

School-Based Violence Prevention Programs

School Suicide Prevention Policies and Programs

Inclusive School District Anti-Bullying Policies


Local Health Department Violence Prevention Strategy

Trauma Recovery Centers

Long-Term Trauma-Informed Behavioral & Mental Health Programs for Impacted Communities

Local Supplemental Violent Crime Victim Compensation Programs

Municipal Strategies to Address Trauma Center Deserts in Impacted Communities

Municipal Efforts to Improve EMS Quality and Response Times in Impacted Communities

Youth and Families

Youth and Family Violence Prevention Programs and Survivor Services

Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Programs

Local Firearm Laws and Regulations

Ghost Gun Prevention Ordinances

Background Check and Permit-to-Purchase Requirements

Anti-Gun Trafficking Initiatives

Crime Reporting and Data

Violent Crime Clearance Rates

Hate Crimes Data Collection and Reporting

Local Office of Violence Prevention

Establishment of a Local Office of Violence Prevention (OVP)

OVP Creates and Implements Strategic Plan to Address Violence Leveraging the Entire Local Government and Community Resources

OVP Pursues Federal, State, and Corporate Grant Opportunities for Community Violence Intervention Efforts

OVP Funds and Coordinates Activities of Community-Based Violence Intervention & Prevention Programs and Services

OVP Provides Technical Assistance to Community Violence Intervention and Prevention Organizations and Programs

OVP Oversees Regular Quality and Efficacy Evaluations of its Strategic Plan, Local Government Violence Prevention Efforts, and OVP-Funded Community-Based Violence Prevention Programs